Jesus Christ: the One True God
Various evidence that Jesus Christ, the most impactful person in all of history, really is the one true God – and has the credentials to prove it.
Jesus Christ made claims to deity, as well as messianic claims, and he has unique credentials to back up those claims, unmatched in history.
Links to the relevant articles will be placed here below as evidence continues to be added to the site:
— Old Testament prophecies about Christ (such as Isaiah 53).
— The reliability of the New Testament and the historicity of Christ
— Evidence for the historicity of the Resurrection
— Evidence for the historicity of Christ’s miracles
— Christ’s messianic claims and claims to deity
— The Shroud of Turin
— Christ’s prophecies such as the Siege of Jerusalem and the Great Commission
— Christ’s moral teachings and impact on world history
— Christ’s Resurrection appearances, his appearance to Paul and others, and to many others even up through the modern day, including many all over the muslim world
— Evidence for the miracles of the Apostles
— The power of Christ’s name to vanquish demonic presences including alien abductions